Second Amendment to the Constitution.
Shortly after the U.S. Constitution was
officially ratified, James Madison proposed the Second Amendment to empower
these state militias. While the Second Amendment did not answer the broader
Anti-Federalist concern that the federal government had too much power, it did
establish the principle (held by both Federalists and their opponents) that the
government did not have the authority to disarm citizens.
The right to defend yourself, your family and property against crime as
told by Thomas Jefferson.
“Laws that forbid the carrying of
arms . . . disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit
crimes . . . Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the
assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an
unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.”
One other thing: An empty gun is just like a wock. A wock is what you fow at a wabbet😀
Abundant historical evidence indicates that the Second Amendment was not meant to leave citizens without the ability to defend themselves against unlawful violence. Such threats might come from usurpers of governmental power, but they might also come from criminals whom the government is unwilling or unable to control.
Well folks our State Senators dun gon and dun it again.
I watched the vote on LB773, The Right for all Nebraskans to conceal carry without having to go through the hassle of getting a permit and our Senators voted against it. They allowed Omaha and Lincoln to dictate to the rest of Nebraska how we were to live our lives and defend our homes and persons.
One thing that really gripes me about the whole thing is a statement some of those folks made was “I have to vote my consensus and vote against this bill.” YOU HAD TO VOTE YOUR CONSCENSE!! Never mind what most of Nebraska wanted it. Never mind the fact that we voted for you to represent us folks up there . Forget most of us wanted this bill to pass. You in your almighty CONSENSE allowed the great cities of Omaha and Lincoln to dictate to the rest of us in this state what we are supposed to do if we aren’t able to get the help we need in case of emergency in less than 30 minutes. Dam folks. A lot can happen in 30 minutes if someone is trying to break in your home or car jack you on the side of one of these country roads. But the great cities of Omaha and Lincoln have decided we should call 911 and HOPE the police can get to us in time to keep us from======.
Me and mom are 81 and 76 years old. We want be able to do much to get away if God forbid we ever encounter someone wonting to take away from us something we have worked our whole lives for or harm us.
Open carry. Yep we got it. Walk into Walmart with a gun on your side and see the reception you get. I tell you it will get you into more trouble sometimes than if you shot and killed 5 people. You wont be received very well, bet you.
Ok starting today I promise you I will have my gun on my side sure as if I put on my pants. Thanks to biden (No I am not going to capitalize his name!!) we have a gross amount of folks coming north and guarantee you some of them do not have our best interest in mind. So with less than 4 votes we have to wait for next year to get this passed. PLEASE folks get on your senators and see where they stand on this issue. And remember November is coming fast.
Tony Weatherman
Uehling Ne.
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